3 min readJan 22, 2022


The creation of sober-living homes that are also referred to as the halfway home, can be quite challenging. Sometimes , there are those within the community who don’t be able to accept sober-living houses in their area, and there are an expected cost to be incurred after. It’s good to know that financing for sober living facilities is not as difficult than building other transitional homes due to the fact that it’s less expensive. However, the availability grants for sober living facilities or other forms of financial aid will provide a fantastic solution to lower the cost or even assist residents pay for their own living expenses. Here are a few choices:

Grants for sober living home
Grants for sober living or halfway houses by get govt grants


  • United Way

One of our top institutions that we love is the United Way. United States, the United Way might be able assist you in starting or keep your sober living facilities. The United Way is usually able to provide you with other organizations that are supportive of your cause, however this time they are able to help you. United Way is willing to offer grants to help build sober living facilities for non-profit organizations that offer services to the community. It is worth noting that the United Way has an extensive network, so there’s a good chance is that they have one within your State. Contact them to inquire about this possibility.

  • Sober Living Foundation

If you currently manage a sober living residence You can apply for a grant through the Sober Living Foundation to help pay for the cost of maintenance of the house. Homes that are eligible will be granted as much as $700 per month, however it is accompanied by an option to reimburse. That means you’ll have to pay for your expenses at the beginning, and then ask the foundation to reimburse you with proof of costs. Additionally, you must attend an online class offered by the foundation prior to becoming qualified to receive the grant.

  • Sonora Area Foundation

Concentrated on Tuolumne County, the foundation gives grants to a sober living houses that are available to local nonprofits to establish or maintain sober living facilities. The applications for this program are reviewed every five years that is February and April, as well as August as well as October, December, and November. However, the amount of grant will vary from year to year dependent on the funding available for the foundation.

  • Other

There are other sites where you can look for grants for sober-living homes You can look for privately-funded foundations, or grant money from government agencies to help your reason. If you’re looking to receive government funding to aid your home in sober living and its residents, then you must visit as well as the CFDA (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance). These two websites offer an excellent list of grant opportunities available through the federal government.
In the meantime, if you’re seeking financial support from a private foundations, make sure you look into the Foundation Center. For around 20 dollars per month you be able to find foundations that will support your cause and will provide the needed grants to sober homes. If you don’t believe you’ll have the money to pay the amount of $20 each month, then we suggest purchasing it for the initial month, then unsubscribe the next month. So, you’ll get access to their huge database, which will improve your chances of receiving grant money for sober living homes.





EDWARA MICHEL Is A Full Time Chief editor and Co Author with Get Govt Grants. Since last 2009, I am writing and working as a content writer for Grants.

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