3 min readJan 26, 2022


A huge amount of grant funds are set aside each year to provide funding for police equipment as well as training, and even K-9 units. The grants for police vehicles give police officers to buy new cars as well as update older models, and install technology in the vehicles.

HOW TO GET POLICE VEHICLE GRANTS by get government grants

Where can I get police vehicle grant

  • The Wal-Mart Community Grants Program

This WalMart Community Grants program will accommodate any police officer who needs to develop with the help of a police vehicle grant. If your choice raises funds of $5,000 to purchase new vehicles, Wal-Mart could provide you the matching grant to a police vehicle for the amount of $5,000.

In the average, Wal-Mart provides 70,000 to the equivalent of 80,000 fitting licenses every year. The program is open to all applicants, meaning that a group can apply any time throughout the year.

  • Particular Program Assistance for Needed Tactical Officer Assets (SPA-NTOA) Grants

This particular Program Assistance grant is specifically designed to supply SWAT teams with vehicles and equipment that they may not acquire. To be eligible for SPA-NTOA’s police vehicle grants, there must exist an NTOA group that is in the area. It could be an equipment donation program, but the grant is not monetary. Equipment and vehicles are shipped straight to police stations.

  • Department of Transportation Border Enforcement Grants Program

It is the Border Enforcement Grants Program is for state and local law enforcement vehicle grants within the following states: Alaska, Arizona, California, Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, Montana, New Mexico, New Hampshire, New York, North Dakota, Texas, Vermont and Washington. The grants typically provide up to 12,000 grants per year that total around $32 million. The grant for police vehicles is designed to aid police officers and authorities perform their duties within their own jurisdictions. The grants to law enforcement vehicles aren’t limited to cars and can also be used to procure equipment or training.

  • USDA ARRA Particular Vehicle and Equipment Initiative

Municipalities counties, municipalities, and other in rural regions that have towns that are less than 20,000 are eligible for licenses for vehicles and loans through USDA Rural Development. It is the amount that grant funds for vehicles of the police and grant assistance to cover project expenses is contingent on what the household’s median income is in the area of service and the number of people living in the area in which the vehicle is located as well as the available police vehicle grant money. Most often, projects that get grants have a higher priority and are able to leverage by other grant and loan grants. Grant aid can be accessed up to seventy percent of expenses. The constraints on grant funding are based on the population and income economic feasibility, as well as the availability of capital. USDA Rural Development 1400 Independence Avenue SW Washington, DC 20250–0107





EDWARA MICHEL Is A Full Time Chief editor and Co Author with Get Govt Grants. Since last 2009, I am writing and working as a content writer for Grants.

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