Catawba County and Hickory County assistance programs

5 min readNov 22, 2023


The following agencies provide financial assistance in and around Hickory and Catawba counties. Charities give money, churches offer rent assistance or free food, utility bill assistance programs, medical clinics offer free services, and so on. In addition to debt relief, job training, and free legal aid in the Hickory region, Catawba County also offers free items or financial assistance. Below is a list of agencies that can help.

Catawba County and Hickory County assistance programs

Family members with low incomes or who are in crisis may be eligible for an emergency loan or grant. Or they can find free clinics near them or other items, such as school supplies, gasoline vouchers or school supplies, to help them. Also available in Hickory NC and Catawba County are car payment assistance, credit counseling, and other financial assistance.

Catawba County financial assistance for paying bills

An alliance of churches and other non-profit organizations has formed the Eastern Catawba Cooperative Christian Ministries. Phone number 828–465–1702. They focus on four areas of assistance. They include education aid, food for feeding the hungry, free or discounted clothing for the needy, and Emergency Crisis Assistance for paying bills. Grants may also be available for paying electric bills.

The charity provides free fuel and heating oil and pharmaceuticals to qualified families and individuals. It is located at 245 E N St, Newton, NC 28658.

It provides financial aid and free items for basic human necessities to those in need (call 828–322–8061) at the Hickory Salvation Army. A resource center for financial aid is run by the charity organization, which provides financial assistance to low-income families. There are three thrift stores on the site that provide affordable furniture, or you can get free food, toiletries, and clothing for those on a limited budget. They administer the Shelter of Hope for the homeless.

Their funding is limited, but they can also assist with rent, utilities, fuel, gasoline, and other bills in times of need. You can also find free Christmas gifts from Adopt a Family or school supplies or uniforms for Catawba County students. A wide range of emergency assistance and social services is offered to low income and working poor. The address is 750 3rd Avenue Pl SE, Hickory, NC 28602. Get information about assistance programs in Hickory and Catawba County.

The Catawba County Department of Social Services serves a similar role. Learn more about community action agencies and what they do.

There are many programs run by the Catawba County Department of Social Services (the main number is (828) 695–5603 or (828) 695–5600).

Get SNAP food stamps or food assistance for seniors.

Information on grant programs and financial assistance for bills.

Medicaid, long-term care, and other health insurance programs.

Find free government money for low-income seniors, including grants, Meals on Wheels, Medicare, and more.

Although not common, some qualified families may receive a grant to help pay for a bill in a crisis, such as rent.

Catawba County Department of Social Services offers a variety of social services and referrals, from day care vouchers to Work First.

GHCCM (Greater Hickory Cooperative Christian Ministry)

GHCCM (Greater Hickory Cooperative Christian Ministry) Provides emergency assistance for utility bills and housing, including mortgages or rents. The ministry also has a medical and pharmacy services clinic for prescription help, as well as hot showers, emergency food pantries and clothing vouchers for the homeless.

Also known as GHCCM, this charity has some partnerships in the area. It primarily serves Hickory residents. It provides food, clothing, meals, and housing. In rare cases, financial assistance may be offered to the unemployed, immigrants, women (including single moms or DV), and others. More information on Greater Hickory Cooperative Christian Ministry assistance programs. Call (828) 327–0979 for more information.

There are emergency services offered in Catawba County. The Christian Ministry provides assistance for rent, utilities, medication, and doctor visits. The local charity will also oversee the distribution of donated household items. Telephone (704) 732–0383.

In Catawba County and nearby towns, Blue Ridge Community Action is a regional agency. It offers referral services and helps people apply for government benefits, such as SNAP food stamps and weatherization. Other programs offered by BRCA that are geared toward low income families include the following.

Family Needs Assessment coordinates short-term financial support and refers clients to government grants, job training, emergency rent, energy bill, and security deposit assistance.

Blue Ridge (BRCA) offers Adult Day Services and home-delivered meals for seniors.

Hickory coordinates job training, Head Start, and other resources centered on personal responsibility and self-sufficiency.

Thousands of people, including the elderly and disabled, seek assistance from Blue Ridge Community Action every year.

Catawba County has some housing-related organizations that provide some or all of the following services.

Help with a one-time rent or security deposit. Evictions can be stopped through mediation or free legal advice. Section 8 vouchers, transitional housing, and shelter. Catawba County rent assistance is also available. Learn more.

Medical Access for Catawba County (MACC)

A program called Medical Access for Catawba County (MACC) was created by Catawba County Health Partners and Catawba County Medical Society. The local hospitals, medical care providers, colleges, human service agencies, and community clinics can assist with paying medical bills.

For residents who are uninsured or low-income, doctors and medical professionals will provide chronic disease management. The program is based in Hickory, North Carolina, and offers free dental care to adults, children, and those who do not have insurance. For more information, call (828) 327–0979 x233.

Daycare and child care in Catawba County at low or no cost

There is free daycare in North Carolina, job programs, training, and other support available through Community Ridge Daycare (828–322–1632).

Assistance with prescription drugs

Catawba County residents, specifically those in Hickory, Lenoir, and Morganton, have access to a program provided by the county government and local clinics that helps cover the cost of prescription medications. This initiative, known as the Catawba County Social Services’ National Association of Counties Prescription Drug Discount Card Program, offers discounts on medication purchases.

Eligible individuals are those residing in member counties of the National Association of County Organizations. Participation in this program is free for Catawba County residents and more information can be obtained by calling (828) 695–5600 or locating nearby free clinics.

No age, income or health restrictions apply to families living in Catawba County who are eligible for free prescription discount cards. The cards are not insurance. They provide immediate discounts at participating pharmacies for uninsured and underinsured family members. Catawba County has 41 participating pharmacies.

There are many medications and drugs covered by the program, including pet medications. People without health insurance or who are underinsured can also take advantage of the program.

In addition to helping the uninsured and underinsured families and individuals of our county save money on medical bills, this prescription discount card helps those with full insurance save money as well. Learn more about National Association of County Organizations and other ways to save on medical bills.





EDWARA MICHEL Is A Full Time Chief editor and Co Author with Get Govt Grants. Since last 2009, I am writing and working as a content writer for Grants.

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