Shasta County assistance programs

4 min readNov 22, 2023


You can find financial assistance for low-income families in Shasta County. There are resources for those in need of financial assistance or free stuff. Find emergency rent help, utility bill assistance, medical care, and other assistance programs in the area from charities, churches, and government agencies. You can also get free food and grants to pay for your mortgage.

Free school supplies and clothes for work are available to residents of the Redding area and county. As well as debt and foreclosure help, free transportation (gas or bus vouchers for work) and debt and foreclosure help are available. Charities and governments aim to provide both short-term financial assistance and long-term stability. Housing, food, and health are of course available, but there are also resources to help with all living expenses.

What catholic churches in redding ca. will help with food for people that are in need?

Shasta County Community Action Agency serves as the primary source of help. Although the agency offers referrals only, it has information on several programs that assist residents, and it can also refer people to other local agencies and provide them with information regarding federal and state assistance programs, if needed.

A utility bill assistance program

Counselors will work closely with local utility and gas companies to assist local residents. Agency staff will provide referrals to agencies with funding to pay past due utility bills. As a result of this financial assistance, low income clients will be able to remain in their homes or apartments while maintaining their service.

A customer can avoid having their power turned off and eviction notices by paying the late fees on their account. Using their own money for other essential needs, such as medication, food, prescriptions, transportation, gas, rent, and mortgages, is another major benefit of this program.

This program is targeted at low income families, seniors, and the disabled. If a water heater is broken, outdated, or in need of replacement, funding may be available. Or a low cost, low payment loan can be arranged.

In addition to offering low interest loans for home repairs, Shasta County Housing and Community Action also offers a low-interest loan for home improvements, renovations, and updates. Housing is available in the unincorporated areas of Shasta County. The loans are very low interest, and they range in amount from $5,000.00 to $90,000.00. Repairs include new roofs, window replacements, water heaters, insulation, and more.

It is also possible to obtain rent assistance and eviction prevention by referring to the Shasta County Community Action Agency’s Homeless Prevention and Rapid Re-housing Program, funded by the federal government. Families with low incomes can receive both short- and long-term assistance, as well as emergency financial assistance. Funds are limited and subject to restrictions.

Remote employment or job center

Shasta County Community Action Agency tries to address unemployment as well as lack of work skills. They may have information on freelance jobs and the federal government’s workforce centers. Find out what employers in California are hiring and who is offering help, and where free job training is available.

Shasta County agencies also offer money for utility and heating bills to qualified applicants. As funding allows, applicants can receive up to 18 months’ rent payments. In the past, low-income and unemployed individuals have been evicted for failing to pay their utilities, but this program is aimed at preventing homelessness by covering that expense as well.

The government and local non-profits provide additional rental assistance. An application process is in place, and any assistance for a security deposit or past due rent will be subject to different conditions. A family may need to move into transitional housing in the Redding area or to attend counseling. Find rent assistance in Shasta County.

The above are just a few examples of what low-income families can get help with from Community Action. The Section 8 Tenant-based Housing Choice Voucher Program, the Family Self-sufficiency Program, and many more are also free services.

You can reach the Shasta County Community Action Agency at (530) 225–5160 for information or referrals.

Occasionally, the Salvation Army has funds from Project REACH to cover rent or utility bills. They partner with FEAM for this. A food pantry, clothing, or holiday meals may also be available. Angel Tree, a homeless shelter, offers free Christmas toys, as well as free back-to-school supplies. For more information, call 530–528–530.

Outlying communities may be able to receive assistance with rural transportation and other services. There may be free firewood or rides from volunteers to a clinic. The sparsely populated area of Shasta County may offer services such as home repairs, prescription drug deliveries, and other resources. Find rural assistance programs in Shasta County.

There is a pantry at Dorcas Community Center. They may have food, clothing, and basic needs in Redding as well. Their phone number is 530–824–2753.

The Catholic Social Service, phone 530–824–7670, offers many services, including emergency food supplies and applications for benefits such as CalWorks and low-income housing. Job readiness and training are also offered in Shasta County, as well as referrals.

There is a meal after the Sunday service at Church Without Walls, 857 Washington Street, Red Bluff, CA, 96080. 530–567–5031.

Redding and Shasta County California have dozens of pantries as well as soup kitchens that offer free food. Low income families are eligible to receive assistance if they qualify and are facing a crisis. Fresh fruits and vegetables are offered along with grocery boxes.

There are also soup kitchens that provide holiday assistance, such as a Christmas meal, or feed the homeless. Learn more about Shasta County free food pantries.





EDWARA MICHEL Is A Full Time Chief editor and Co Author with Get Govt Grants. Since last 2009, I am writing and working as a content writer for Grants.

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